Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 2. I am over school.

For starters, it is only week two in school and I am ready for this whole classes thing to be over. Luckily, We will leave for Perth after this week and I won't have classes until week 4. Waking up is getting harder and harder every day, and those 8 am are taking a toll on me.

Monday was a disaster and a half. We were running around going from one class to class and my to-do list out the door. I was running from the library to the cafe for lunch and off to the post to send my dad's birthday present. I did a LOT of research finding the best Cabernet Sauvignon and dark reds in Australia. A total of 5 different types of wine so that we can rate them and know once and for all which wine is the best in Australia. After a large sum out of my bank account (my actual bank account not my credit card) I brought the bottles of wine to the Post to send home. Do you know what the Post told me? Since 9/11, you are not allowed to ship wine to the United States unless it is through a certified winery and a case is being shipped back. Thank you Osama Bin Laden, you ruined something else for me. Now not only do I have to be thirsty during flights because of the lack of liquids, you just ruined my father's 60th birthday. Score- Bin Laden= 2, Marisa=0. Luckily, we can drink in his honor and take pictures of the label. OR wait until he arrives in the Gold Coast and drink it with him. It is a toss up at this point. For those at home that can find these labels. PLEASE TRY THEM AND LET ME KNOW HOW THEY ARE
1 PepperJack 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon (Saltram of Barossa)
2. Penfolds 2009 Thomas Hyland Cabernet Sauvignon (Southern Australia)
3. Rolling 2007 Cabernet Merlot (Central Ranges, Australia)
4. Wynns 2008 53rd Vintage Cabernet Sauvignon (Coonwarra)
5. Wirra Wirra 2008 Church Block Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz Merlot (Mclaren Vale)

On Tuesday, I did not pay attention at all in psych. In fact, my marks (aka grades) might take a toll because of that one. Instead, I found flights to every place we want to visit for cheap prices. In fact, I think it probably more productive than learning (re-learning) about the scientific method and what is considered normal. However that night we planned all of our trips for the semester. I am so excited to start traveling more and seeing all of Australia. My biggest fear is that we aren't going to have enough time and I am not going to see everything. Our attentive schedule looks like this
Week2/3- September 26th- October 3rd- Perth with Australian Games
Week 4- October 5th- October 9th- Surfer's Paradise (Kevin comes into town!)
Week 6- October 21st- October 24th- Whitsunday (Girl's trip!)
Week 7- October 28th- October 31st- Sydney (Halloween!)
Week 8- November 4th- November 7th- Byron Bay
Week 9- November 11th- November 14th- Cairns (Libby and Adam's 21st!)
Week 10- November 18th- November 21st- Melbourne
Week 11- November 25th- November 28th- Brisbane (Thanksgiving!!)
Week 12/13- December 2nd- December 6th- New Zealand
Week 13- December 6th- December 10th- Fiji/Tahiti


Now that school is out of the way for the week I can focus on the fun. I also do not need to think about school work until October 4th when I come back from Perth. Life cannot get better than this. If I haven't said it enough, this place is paradise that just happens to have classes on campus.

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