Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Now walk around every 15 minutes to not lose circulation...

So after months and months of anticipation and packing I finally get to the airport. Lugging around two suitcase weighing 62.5 lbs and 64.5 lbs, a duffle bag, tote, and my purse I shuffle my way through lines. Did you know that if you bring ground coffee in an airport it needs to go in a separate bin like a laptop? Well neither did I... Apparently if I decide to smuggle cocaine or other illegal drugs it would be out in the open like that.

The second I get to the gate I realized that my 6:50 flight was delayed until 9:30. Now considering that I only had a two hour layover to catch my flight in LAX, I was most definitely going to miss the only flight to Brisbane and be stuck in LA. This can only be a bad sign of what was to come... Then it was brought to my attention my bags would now be late. So i walked up to the desk and talked to Raul about my dilemma. I told him that it was vital I have my bags accompany me on my trip because even though they are relaxed in Australia... I think professors frown upon coming to class naked. But then again I am not too sure considering I haven't been there yet. So he did the best to assure me but it was still a coin toss whether they would be there in Brisbane.

So 20 hours of flight time later we landed in Brisbane. The plane ride was not nearly as bad as I though it was going to be. I sat next to a woman that had to be at least 350 lbs. She could not bring the tray table in front of her down. I knew that who ever sat on the other side of me and I were going to become fast and long friends. So together we prayed that no one would enter our aisle. And then celebrated when the door closed so we could have some room. At least we stretched out and had a little more room between my obscene amount of luggage and her. Between the meals, sleeping, our own personal tv's and netflix queue I had very few minutes of unentertaining times. And at 6:30 am. our landing gear touched down!

Customs wasn't horrible BUT did you know? You cannot bring raw nuts into Australia and you cannot bring dried fruit unless it has been infused with sugar? Something about disease but I couldn't really understand the lady and was being too distracted by all new things to look at.

After a short bus ride and paperwork I got into my room! It is an adorable dorm with two desks, two beds, two night stands, two closets, our own fridge and mini pantry as we declared it. We also have our own bathroom! My favorite part of my new room is that it overlooks the lake that sits in the middle of campus with a large fountain! I can see it from my bed and my desk which is going to be even more distracting if I ever decide to do a little studying :)

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