Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sure, I'll call myself a surfer.

We gathered the troops and our surfboards and walked to the beach. We spent the rest of the day attempting to surf. I stood up successfully on the board once! I knelt successfully on the board twice and literally sat on the board "surfing" the rest of the time. I was probably extremely bad but we were having fun and that is all that matter. The guys were way better. Some got up often, others preferred to lay on the board and sway with the waves. Either way, we were having a blast. The waves peaked at like a foot and a half but it didn't us. We even met a local male who was trying to help us surf. He was giving us tip after tip, but we were all still struggling. We are going to blame it on the lack of "swells," but in reality it is probably our lack of ability. After my lips started turning blue and the water started feeling like it was what the Titanic sunk in, I decided to call it a day. My body was starting to hate me for all the physical activity I was making it endure.

A quick nap on the beach with my surf board proved effective. The guys went surfing again and someone of decided to go exploring Mooloolaba. It is an adorable beach town with cute restaurants and shops surrounding the beach front. I even found an awesome vegan restaurant to buy a veggie and wild rice burger! (ok ok I was excited!) And then we found a sushi place for $2.50 a roll! We were so excited at that prospect that we immediately ordered rolls for all of us. Adam even experienced his first encounter with sushi and I hope it is a relationship he continues to pursue.  It was then when we were about to leave that we decided to take a bunch of beautiful pictures on the rocks and scenery of Mooloolaba. We looked like the biggest tourist anyone could look like, and the best part is that we didn't care. Then I remembered that my camera could be completely submerged in water without being injured. I started trying to take pictures of the scenery underneath the water that no one really get to see. I was surprisingly happy how that turned out.

Then It was time to head back "home", or our home away from home would be a better description. I was really worried about the way home being as much as of disaster as the way there. I put someone else in charge of figuring out all transportation home and decided to take the easy way out. After a bus ride, 3 train rides, and one more bus ride, we finally arrived at Bond again safe and sound. Our first weekend trip a success! Realizing it was late Sunday night, and we actually had classes in the morning for the first time since May, we called it an early night in preparation of this so called education I was about to receive while living in this place for like a paradise.

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