Tuesday, September 14, 2010

If I end up like really drunk girl at Don's... TAKE ME HOME

To clarify the title of this post. Not one of my friends needed to be escorted home due to highly intoxication conditions. There is a specific girl named Drunk Girl on campus who only has two states of mind. Drunk and So Far Beyond Belligerent Please God Someone Take Her Home. We made a pack between the clan (the sluzer and our new friends) that if anyone of us were close to becoming that intoxicated we were to immediately take them home regardless of who they were talking to. It could be the Prince William of England or Carrie Underwood, it was to happen immediately.  We have been fortunate enough to never experience this (taking someone home, not meeting the Prince of England) and pray we never do.

So right after volleyball we quickly ate dinner and got ready for Tight and Bright Party. I wore a neon green v-neck. men's boxer briefs that were striped neon colors, a neon orange waist belt, tie dyed socks, neon Havianna's (yes with socks like a Chinese guru), a neon yellow handband worn like a hippie, and glow-in-the-dark neon glasses that only worked on one side. I was looking fine and feeling fly, as we all were. We started the night at Don's, where of course we saw Drunk Girl being escorted out of Don's stumbling all over the place again. She really needed to get a grip on her life for the sake of her reputation. We got on the bus to East again, where the party was just as crazy as it was for Toga Party. Libby and I decided to take a lap and ended up finding an upstairs to the club. The upstairs was just as crowded and crazy as the downstairs. There was even a dance competition where a bunch of girls were dancing on stage showing off their stuff. The girl that lives next door to us won! And she got a $1000 bar tab for the night to use as she wished. Unfortunately we did not find out about this information until we were back at the dorm. Around 2:30 am, we decided to take the buses home but missed the first bus. We waited outside for the next one where drunk people were running around Broadbeach trying to find food. Allie was the most entertaining at this moment. She bought this huge KEBAB from an Indian fast food stop. Everyone flocked towards her like pigeons on the beach. Libby and I found it absolutely necessary at this moment to buy a huge bag of "Snakes" and split on the ride home. I am seriously afraid that these "snakes" are the new swedish fish and that I am cheating on my favorite candy.

The bus ride home consisted of sing-a-long tunes such as Celine Dion, Backstreet Boys, "If I could walk 500 miles an hour." You know you are on a bus completely full of Americans when "I want it that way" is screamed at the top of the lungs by both men and women alike. I have never felt so patriotic before in my life. The best part of the evening was when Libby and I were getting ready for bed. She was skyping with her mom at 4 am our time, 1 pm Central time zone. Libby lost her voice that night and her mom advised her to get lots of sleep and drink plenty of fluids. Her response? "Oh trust me Mom, I have drank LOTS of fluids this week."

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