Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our first incident with Mummy and Daddy.

After our volleyball training we went to the music festival as a part of bondstock this week. It would be the only event we would be attending and the locals talked it up a lot. We got dressed quickly and headed out the door across the quad to Don's for the event. When we got there it looked a lot like the set up for our high school homecoming dances. Minus the fancy dress, awkward smiles, awkward dates, and of course the alcohol. After an immediate trip to the bar and stealing the coolest stubbie holders I have ever seen. We hit the dance floor. We got to the festival around 9, and we left around 10:30 to pre-game before heading off to East for the night.

Around 11, we all gathered in our room to leave for the buses. The Bentley guys were coming up to get us and I had to run downstairs to let them in. As I was leaving I physically almost ran into Kayleen, our house mom, aka Mummy. She looked perplexed and then peeked into our room and let herself in. I ran down the stairs as quickly as possible to get them and took my time as I made my way up the stairs with the guys again. When I got up there Mummy was gone, and Libby looked pissed (angry, not intoxicated). Apparently, we were loud and Libby was trying to talk herself out of the situation. The guys claim that Mummy was going to give us a fine on the spot but Libby argued with her to show that we need to receive a written warning first. Now we were going to have to have a meeting with Mummy and Daddy about tonight's incident. Glass bottles, that is why we were in trouble. Granted, taking a quick scan of the room, there was glass everywhere. Oh well, everyone is going to have a little stint at some point or another. Ours just came sooner rather than later.

We went to East so much as not thinking twice about it and would figure it out in the morning. Everyone had their wobbly boots on at East and loving life. We somehow acquired an ACES hat (Australian Culture Education Society) and we were now using it as a dance hat. If you received the hat, you show off your best moves in the center and then pass it on when it was time for someone else to show off their moves. Who would have thought that someone SO SIMPLE could occupy our time for SO LONG. We had to be one of the last people to leave East that night. We got back to our room and had some people over to hang out. It was close to 5 am when I started getting tired and wanted people to leave. Libby had the same idea as me and passed out on her bed with everyone there. After I ushered everyone out, I was happy to change and get ready for bed. Then Libby sat straight up, jumped out of bed and was ready to go. She wasn't tired at all, just wanted everyone out. I have not laughed that hard in awhile and often think about it now and still laugh. We checked our email before we left and saw that Mummy and Daddy requested to meet with us tomorrow to "talk." Reality came rushing back.

As I stirred to wake up I hear the most obnoxious girl screaming down the hall in front of the elevator. Around the 7th round of screaming I finally scream from my bed to shut up and respect quiet hours. Then I look at the clock. 12:11. Well, so much for quiet hours, but she was still obnoxious. We do our daily chores and workout before our meetings. Quite the busy day includes a meeting with Mummy and Daddy, a meeting with Ryan "pre-Perth departure," quickly followed by a bus and train ride away to go to the Rugby match! Gold Coast Titans vs. Sydney Roosters in the semi-finals for the NRL. If only we survive the meeting.

All day we dread it and really just want it to go away. But once 4:30 rolls around we head down to Mum and Dad's apartment. It is a really nice place for living in a dorm, and makes me a little envious of their apartment. She asks us the worst question. "So what occurred last night", followed by, "and why are you guys in trouble?" blah blah blah blah. Long story short, no glass bottles! It was a giant misunderstanding followed by rash rudeness on Mum's part, from our side at least. We thought it was only beer stubbies not allowed, apparently it is mixed stubbies as well. But the weird part is, is that you can have bottles of wine or hard alcohol, just no stubbies... It is by far the dumbest rule ever created. They explained why the rules were there and how to fix it. Dad, of course, is way nicer than Mum and makes me wonder what in God's name he ever saw in her... But they let us off with a verbal warning. Actually they let us off with the LAST verbal warning ever given in the AC. From now on, it is an immediate $200 fine on the spot, and if it happens again it is a $500 fine and a meeting with the vice-pro-chancellor-provost-really-high-up-there-guy and you are pretty much kicked off living on campus. Not good. So from now on it's bags of goon and bottle of wine for room 4-36 and will stay that way all semester.

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