Friday, September 10, 2010

Run Away! Run Away!

It has been a goal of mine for quite some time now to run a half marathon, and then hopefully followed by a marathon in the near future. I thought that Australia would be the perfect place to obtain these goals. With so much scenery around, it is so easy to get distracted by the beauty of what's around me and forget the mileage on the podometer. (Ok I don't own one but I am looking into buying one...) So I signed myself up for the Sunshine Coast Half Marathon this weekend in Mooloolaba. I gathered a bunch of friends and we will take the train up the hour north of Brisbane so I can pay someone to let me run and get a running bib.

I have been training for a half all summer but decided I still really need to run while here unless I plan on passing out at mile 3. I found myself a beautiful route through neighborhoods where I get lost in the architecture and landscape with mountains in the background. I truly forget how far I run. At home, I have this vivid daydreams while running that I like to call "Scenario of the Day" My first Scenario of the Day was quite amusing and I found myself laughing out loud while running by an old man cutting his lawn. Needless to say I probably looked like a freak as he mumbled underneath his breath about Americans. The scenario was it started to downpour immensely while I was just at the peak of my run. I would have to go into the mall all sweaty and ask the Apple store if I can use their computer. My piece of plastic called a telephone is too large to go running with, so I would have to leave Libby a facebook message to come get me at the mall and bring money for the bus ride home. Otherwise I would walk around aimlessly until the rain stopped which would not happen until my fatigue set in naturally. I can only hope my scenarios get better than that nightmare.

The best part of my run that day was when I was less than a kilometer away from school. I was finally in the homestretch when I noticed birds circling over my head. Next thing I know I got smacked in the back of the head. When I looked up I saw a huge bird circling around and coming directly at my face. I ducked and sprinted the other direction with a blood curdling scream only heard when my mom gets frightened (which is often). Luckily the bird flew up and perched itself on a light pole cawing at me. I have never had a good relationship with birds, and frankly they kinda scare me. But being attacked by a bird while running?! I feel as if that is just unheard of. After much collaboration with friends and family, we came to the conclusion that the uni-french braid I normal rock while on runs must have resembled an animal that is satisfactory its digestive tract. All I know is that next time I will try to punt it if it comes near me again. :)

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