Tuesday, September 7, 2010

By Day....

I forgot how many things there are to do when first arriving at a new campus. All the paperwork and IT people will drive you crazy as it is. Since technology hates me in every form, it takes me about an extra half day to get my internet working. But when I leave the library I really can take the campus in as I finally open my eyes past my computer screen.

The lake in the middle of campus is BEAUTIFUL. Connects to the ocean and it is the center point of everything around campus. I had to ask a local what would happen if I took a dip in it one night. His response? Oh a shark will probably bite you considering baby ones live in there. Well that answers that question....  The buildings are beautiful! And there is a tent that is shape like a pair of boobies (for you Kelsey Dunn) and it is literally referred to as the boob tent by everyone... This place is not a college. It is truly paradise and still so surreal that I go here.

We decided to walk around and find some convenience stores to buy the little details when we found Varsity Lakes. It is a little marketplace with some adorable shops, salons, coffee shops, bars, and anything else we need at a moments notice without going to the town centre. Perfect place to have near!

We had to make it back for our hall meeting with our house parents and RA's. They are quite possibly the best people for the job. Kayleen and Robin are their names and they are a 65 year old couple that lives directly two floors below us. They have only two strict rules and guidelines to live by 1. no guests spending the night. 2. If you wake her up at night, she will be livid 3. Go out, meet people, have the time of your life.... We are quick and life long friends. Afterwards, we hit up the BBQ at don's the local bar on campus to mingle and meet new friends before a night on the town!

Our other day activities include: laying out at the pool directly behind our building. Going for run with amazing scenery and gorgeous houses (comparable to the homes in Fort Lauderdale on the back roads from the airport... jsut breath taking) meeting as many people as possible. and taking random adventures around Robina.

Figuring I am pretty good with directions we decide to walk to 4.2 km to the nearest mall for Target Kmart and finally... a cell phone. I looked up directions and lead the pack through neighborhoods and winding roads. I only got us lost once! and after a nice man told us the mall was on the other side of the street I no longer doubt my abilities to find things in a different country anymore. The town centre as they call it down here is really really nice. The K-mart is better than Target (something I thought I would NEVER say) and Libby (the rooms) and I bought adorable decorations to make this seem more like home. Everything seems to be $10 which is just awesome for my wallet (and my parents...) It takes us 5 minutes to realize we will most definitely be taking the bus back and not walking again. But hey! Gotta try everything at least once....

For those who know me better than I know myself, my biggest worry about coming to Australia was the fact I didn't know if they would have swedish fish here. My favorite candy. I CANNOT study or survive without them. Well.... they have no idea what they are here. I almost cried. BUT HAVE NO FEAR! they have something equally delicious and probably just as bad for you. Snakes. very simples gummy treats that are do scrumptious to my taste buds that I can see myself crying over them when heading home to the States for fear of never having snakes again in my life.

Somethings never changes no matter what country you current reside in...

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