Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What to do on a rainy day?

We woke up after pub crawl to look outside and see it was a not so nice day. We attempted to go to Broadbeach to have some fun and take some photographs for class. It was so windy and cold (aka in the 60's) I wore a sweater on the beach as I read and lounged around.

The following day we planned to go the Wildlife Conservation. We were so excited to hold koalas and pet kangaroos. It was a great disappointment to see it was down pouring outside and it looked like we would not be able to go see some animals. We decided to head to Surfer's Paradise in the daytime and without alcoholic beverages accompanying us. We jumped on the bus and headed somewhere new.

Surfer's Paradise is a lot like Miami, Florida. There are high end shops, boutique, touristy thing, and outdoor cafes. It was so much fun to walk around and shop and have it be okay to look like the tourist we are. Then we find a winery which was the greatest find all day. $6 box of wine and $2.99 bottles of wine. The cheapest wine we have found since arriving and we immediately grab a box and a few bottles as the girls decide they want to go back and into the hot tub. The guys decided to stay and bowl, which is an activity is perfect for my mood.

I buy some snakes (who can bowl without candy?!) and some cruisers, while the guys pick up a case as we bowl. The bowling alley was all in black light and cosmic, and music videos were playing on the big screen. It was kind of like a club, but bowling instead of dancing, and family members instead of drunken idiots. The first game, only one of us broke 100 (way to go Adam), and some of barely broke 50 (keep practicing Stephen). The second game we decide to make team and place a bet on the table. It was Fink, Adam, and I vs. Jeff, Jon, and Stephen. The goal was Fink stay with Stephen, I stay with Jeff, and Adam stays with Jon. Needless to say, we got our ass kicked. And we now owe them a case. Great Job team, I mean we all fell short of our marks. But overall it was great fun and something I hope we do again soon.

The bus ride back it started down pouring again. Right as I got off the bus, my bag ripped open and I dropped my $2.99 bottle of wine. I was actually quite upset because I was intrigued on the taste and quality. It was all you can eat sushi that night, but the horrific downpour kept us from attending. So after a fun rainy afternoon activity, we took it easy on Sunday night and prepared for week 2 classes and what was to come.

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